A New Consciousness

People are speaking about the New Age, a New World, New Delhi, New York. However, nothing is new around us. The cities are old, the systems are old, everything is old and degraded around us. When you want something to be new you have to create it from scratch. In today’s world everything is recycled, and that is useful for the planet and for the environment.

However, can anyone recycle what is happening in the mind? They can recycle paper, glass, plastic. The consciousness has to be new to experience newness. To have a new community, a new city, a new world, the human consciousness has to become new. And that is not possible through recycling.

The human mind is trapped into attachments, expectations, desires, false identities. We cannot re-use those, we have to drop them completely. A new consciousness is possible when you found the reset button. In Raja Yoga we understand that there is no death. The true self, the being of light is incorporeal, eternal and it never dies. Therefore, the reset of what is in our minds means that we are letting go of the old habits, old sorrows and the useless thoughts. We drop ego, attachments, greed, anger and lust. When all of these are dropped then we can press reset and start anew. We have to practice to do this, we prepare to experience this completely new consciousness.  It is as if returning to our original state of peace, silence and stillness. By experiencing for a few minutes a day a space that is free from sorrow, free from desire, free from expectations, we as if enact this new consciousness and allow it to become firm. Let us experiment with the reset button.


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