Worthy, Lucky, Happy


One feeling that we would like to explore is that of worthiness. Human beings feel worthy when they receive approval, respect, or love in this world. Lets look at the example of a family. A child feels worthy when the parents appreciate him, the wife feels worthy when the partner spends quality time with her. However, everything that we receive from the outer world can change on the next day. The feelings of worthiness vanish in a second. Truly, we cannot depend on others to make us feel worthy of love and respect.

Through meditation we explore our relationship with this world. We can see that throughout the day we play many roles. The role of a mother, the role of an engineer, a wife, a child, or the role of someone who plays tennis well. These roles are temporary, they are changing and they have an end.

The one who plays the role, the being of light, can be understood as an actor. The actor has its own personality which is distinct from the role. See for instance a good actor, they can be introverted and humble, whilst playing the role of a king. The true self is a conscious, eternal, blissful being that plays many roles. The role does not affect the integrity of self, nor her self-respect. Any actor would tell you that when they play a role and the role finished, they take off the costume and they do not remember anything about that role. Their life is separate.

Through meditation, I can experience the personality of the actor, the true self. The real self is a being of peace, of love, of truth and happiness. This being is always worthy of love and respect. The being does not need to do anything to increase its self-respect, and the role cannot reduce his respect. In other words, whether the role is criticized, or whether it is garlanded with flowers and medals, it will remain the same worthy being of light.

The true self feels lucky to play the role, to experience this beautiful scenes, to meet others. They can see and recognise the worthy friend despite of the unfriendly role. That is why they always feel lucky and happy. Happiness does not depend on the ups and downs of the role. Happiness does not depend on the possessions or the victories in the story-like world. Happiness is their original nature, they can see the role from a space of quiet bliss, feelings of worthiness and fortune. Lets’ explore with it.

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