True Freedom
When you have an account with someone, you do not feel free. If you have an account with the bank and you have to pay them money back, you do not feel free to move around, or to change jobs.
If you have an account with a friend, then you do not feel comfortable, you always remember what they did for you and you wonder what will happen next. Humans beings in today’s world have an account with the nature, with other people, with other countries. We would like to become free from these accounts. Freedom starts in the mind. Free does not mean careless, free means to become elevated and from a space of clarity and wisdom to remain stable no matter what.
It helps to see others as part of a family. A family means a home, parents, feelings of brotherhood and comfort. Home means peace, love, truth and happiness. With this attitude of complete love and acceptance of the larger family of human beings, we can become detached and we can see that we are not dependent on others around us. Whatever expectations I had in the past, they can be finished now.
When there are no expectations from others, then the account finishes. This is a matter of a second. No one owns me anything, and I do not expect anything from anyone. So firstly, I become free by seeing that there are zero expectations from the others. Zero expectations from people, nature, possessions, or position. Secondly, can understand that others cannot control me. They may benefit from my presence and what I can offer, but I do not own anything to anyone. Whatever is shared it is from a space of clarity and pure love. In this way our accounts in the mind can finish in a second. We can choose to remain in the same place, with the same people, job, culture, however – there are zero expectations from others, and we own zero to anyone. Lets us experiment with this perspective.