Angelic Consciousness

Life of a Yogi

We are looking at the life of the yogi. What is yoga? Yoga means to live with your parents, and to be carefree, to be ...

A New Consciousness

People are speaking about the New Age, a New World, New Delhi, New York. However, nothing is new around us. The cities are old, the ...

True Freedom

When you have an account with someone, you do not feel free. If you have an account with the bank and you have to pay ...

Unlimited Happiness

Happiness is our original state of the being. We are not always happy because we have forgotten our original identity and we have been searching ...

Becoming Carefree

In today's world, with so many things happening around us, how can we be carefree? Is it even right, to feel carefree? In Raja Yoga, ...

Power of Silence

We experiment with the power of silence today. By practising with words, we have become experienced with the power of words. The power of silence ...

Powerful and Knowledge-full

In today's world we need power for everything. If we want to build a house, or if we want to finish something old, we need ...

Worthy, Lucky, Happy

  One feeling that we would like to explore is that of worthiness. Human beings feel worthy when they receive approval, respect, or love in ...

Lucky and Lovely

There are three aspects connected with feeling lucky – family, fitness and fortune. Most people will believe that if they have money, properties, good connections ...

The Loving Observer

We all are used to observe things, aren't we ? For instance, in a hospital, the doctor has to have a good sense of observation ...

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