Lucky and Lovely

There are three aspects connected with feeling lucky – family, fitness and fortune. Most people will believe that if they have money, properties, good connections they are fortunate. We understand that having a good family and good health is also very important. If you ask people during 2020 – are you lucky? They would say yes, if I am healthy, I am very lucky.

From the spiritual perspective, we see that we are beings of light dwelling in these bodies, we are associated with these roles in the physical world. We see the longer journey of the being and the larger family. We belong to a family of beings of light, which are eternal and divine. This makes us very lucky to start with. These beings are the embodiments of peace, love, truth, happiness and purity.

Their starting point in their journey is fullness. They are knowledgeable, cheerful, careful. There is a story about a queen who lost her necklace – and she found it eventually around her neck. We understand that we can find these inner treasures inside. When we search for them in the outer world, it is as if  we have lost our memory and our common sense. We have crossed the line into ignorance. A point of knowledge will help us restore our sensibility and feel lucky again. So to be careful, means to pay attention not to cross the line. When we are here in the higher consciousness, we feel lucky and lovely. We remain cheerful no matter what.

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